Hi! My name is Nadia Rasul.

As a web developer, I combine my passion for technology and inclusive design to bring clarity to complex problems and create solutions that put people at the center. I'm currently a Senior Software Engineer (Web) at League where I work on the design system team.

Email me at nadiarasul@me.com

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I've worked on websites for a wide range of clients including Camp Ooch, Canada's National Ballet School, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP, Gowling WLG, St. Stephen's Community House, Munk Debates, and the Canadian Red Cross.

Sometimes I make things to solve my own problems, like this Run Planner app to help me decide what to wear on a run. Or, I make silly things for fun, like this Alice in Wonderland inspired Loopy Ipsum generator.


Sometimes I publically speak about web accessibility, diversity and inclusion.